So what were you doing 8 years ago? How about 7 years ago? We were newly married 8 years ago, and one year later I, Jacqui, started working for Focus on the Family. So here we are 8 years later, still married, and seven years later, I'm still working with Focus on the Family. Wow! Speaking of "Wow!", that is one of Hannah's new words. As with any new word, she over emphasizes, so every time she says "wow!" I have to turn to look to see what spectacular object has captured her attention. Everything the last few days has resulted in a cry of "wow!"... One of us walks in the room, the kitty brushes against her, she spots a "new" toy, etc. Each day is a new adventure for her and it's wonderful to get a glimpse into the eyes of a child.
On another note, one of Hannah's new phrases is "Go, Go, Go, Go!". She signs and says it simulatenously in very a deep, throaty voice--it's so cute!. She also understands what that means, so we've made a game of going then stopping. Now she just has to learn to say and/or sign stop. I'm sure that will come in time.
In part to celebrate our 8th anniversary, we spent last week in the Shenandoah Valley area of Virigina. Below are some pictures.
Twins? No, it's just the sunglasses...

Evidence of the black bears getting into the garbage... We didn't see them but we saw their footprints. These appear to be from a cub. My mom's hand is between a few of the prints, her hand is about 7 inches from wrist to the tip of her middle finger.

Sunglasses, a jacket, and a cell phone, what else does a girl need?

Upon our return, we discovered that our male cat, Buddy, had suffered an injury (prior our trip due to escaping to the outside world and apparently getting in a cat fight) that had gotten infected and abscessed. So within minutes of our return, we were sitting in the pet ER. It turned out to be a pretty traumatic experience for us as they gave us a grim outlook regarding Buddy. We ended up taking Buddy and Angel to a regular vet on Monday morning, where the vet was much more optimistic and they took exceptional care of our feline kids. However, Hannah was unsure about why the kitties were in the cages and wanted them let out so she voiced her opinion to everyone who would listen. Here's a few shots of Buddy's post-surgery wounds, courtesy of Josh. The blue is from the dye in the disinfectant they gave us to clean him. Poor kitty!