Hannah and I had a great time in Colorado Springs although our time felt far too short. We tried to get together with as many people as possible, but with the time difference, working full-time, and my being pregnant, we didn't get to see everyone.
We did go to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo one weekday morning, that was the extent of our site-seeing. I figured Hannah wouldn't be interested in Garden of the Gods or other such places. For Hannah's first zoo trip, it was great. She even fed the giraffes. By the way here's a money-saving tip I found out from J.C. Nordyke, if you go to Safeway you can buy Ry Krisp plain crackers (see pic), take them with you, and they will let you feed them to the giraffes. Otherwise you can buy crackers at the zoo for 3 crackers for $1.

So most of the pictures from Colorado Springs were taken at the zoo. My camera is built into my phone but I kept forgetting to take pictures, sorry!
Feeding the baby giraffe...
"Oh! Yay!" When the giraffe ate the cracker.
"Hi" to the mommy gorilla... She loved the apes and monkeys...

Petting the tortoise...

Watching the orangutan...

So happy about watching the orangutans....

Talking with the lioness...

Sharing her "old" friend with the lioness, who appears to have wanted to cuddle...

At the Dallas Fort-Worth airport waiting for our flight...

Back in KY...
Our little poser... Any time she thinks you're about to take a picture, she poses. No idea where she got that from, but here she is in her pink Sunday dress

Walking with Gramps (Josh's dad)...

Taking a break from driving to take a picture of herself on her phone (it's an old but real phone that's not in service):
Wearing Mommy's glasses.... Sorry it's on the dark side, we were in my parents' basement...
Posing again while waiting on the doctor to come talk to mommy and daddy about the ultrasound (those pictures are further below)....

May 5th - 4-D Ultrasound to determine gender and overall size. Baby #2 is a girl and is on target for growth for my due date: 

May 19th - Another ultrasound to try and check anatomy, like the heart and kidneys. Baby girl was laying length-wise across my belly with her spine up, so they didn't get to see everything. Heartbeat was 153 bpm, weight approximately 1 lb 6 oz. Size of all anatomy that could be seen is on target for due date. Here's a 3-D pic of her feet and a 3-D/4-D pic of her opening and shutting her hand (we surmised she was waving). 
When we told Hannah the baby was waving and to wave back, we were expecting her to wave at the screen showing the ultrasound, but she turned to my belly and waved, too cute!
As for me, the second pregnancy is going pretty well. I'm much rounder this time than last. I pulled up pics from last time and I'm currently the size I was at 35ish weeks and I'm only 24 weeks. They started me on bp meds before going to Colorado as a precaution, my bp was borderline at 130/80 averages at the doctor's office. But since I had post-partum preeclampsia, they were afraid I'd end up with preeclampsia, so they put me on the lowest dose and I haven't needed any higher of a dose. They've also been monitoring my thyroid levels and made some adjustments there. I have lost 18 pounds, not intentionally of course, but I think it was all water being retained in my face, arms, and legs. At the next visit, I'll have the standard blood work and glucose tolerance test, so if anything else comes up I'll let you know.
As for Daddy, last week he turned in grades for the two classes he taught this spring, and I don't think he'll be teaching again until the fall. He too has now felt the baby move, and is excited about having another little girl running around some day. He recently got a PS3 (PlayStation 3) and has been enjoying spending some of his free time playing games and watching BluRay movies.

As for me, the second pregnancy is going pretty well. I'm much rounder this time than last. I pulled up pics from last time and I'm currently the size I was at 35ish weeks and I'm only 24 weeks. They started me on bp meds before going to Colorado as a precaution, my bp was borderline at 130/80 averages at the doctor's office. But since I had post-partum preeclampsia, they were afraid I'd end up with preeclampsia, so they put me on the lowest dose and I haven't needed any higher of a dose. They've also been monitoring my thyroid levels and made some adjustments there. I have lost 18 pounds, not intentionally of course, but I think it was all water being retained in my face, arms, and legs. At the next visit, I'll have the standard blood work and glucose tolerance test, so if anything else comes up I'll let you know.
As for Daddy, last week he turned in grades for the two classes he taught this spring, and I don't think he'll be teaching again until the fall. He too has now felt the baby move, and is excited about having another little girl running around some day. He recently got a PS3 (PlayStation 3) and has been enjoying spending some of his free time playing games and watching BluRay movies.
So please let us know how you are doing! Until the next time...