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Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
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Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
Hannah and Cousin Jason Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
Mother's Day 2011 |
Fort in St. Augustine, April 2011 |
Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
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Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
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In Mommy's Old Baby Dress, May 2011 |
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Spring Break in Florida, April 2011 |
Thanksgiving 2010 |
I've sat down to work on this blog several times, but I just didn't have enough time, so I apologize! Here's the news in brief:
Another "Big" Move
- From: Somerset, KY (where we've resided with Daddy's parents since April 2010)
- To: Mount Vernon, OH
- Why?: Daddy got a new job at his "dream" school... Mount Vernon Nazarene University, locally called "The Naz"
- How long?: Maybe permanently, we can dream, right? Definitely not another short-term move.
- When?: Daddy's already there. Mommy and the girls will move up after we get our things sorted and packed, hopefully
- 1 month now in his new IT position at MVNU
- Staying in "transitional" housing on campus
- LOVES his new position!
- Has made several new friends in Mount Vernon
- Attending New Life Nazarene
- Still teaching online courses for Somerset Community College
- Looking forward to teaching courses at MVNU down the road, perhaps this fall
- Just finished her last week watching Kathryn, 3 months, while her mommy and daddy work
- Is doing some contracting work for Focus on the Family, helping them as they transition to a new tool
- Mentally ready for the BIG move, but hasn't tackled packing
- Is unofficially 3! She was born on Leap Day, so her first official b-day is Feb 29, 2012
- Has grown soooo much! 34 1/2 inches tall, 26 pound at her 3-year checkup
- Currently knows 6 Bible verses, we're working on the 7th
- Her vocabulary and knowledge have grown by leaps and bounds
- Knows her ABCs, can write several
- Can count to 20 and can count the number of objects
- Working on telling time
- Knows her colors, many objects and animals
- Knows LOTS and LOTS of signs (American Sign Language)
- Says her own prayers (they're really cute!)
- Helps with chores (dishes, laundry, trash, watering plants)
- Rides her tricycle
- Is almost completely potty trained. She has suddenly decided she want to potty train and does good except that she still wakes up wet because she's gone in her sleep
- 9 months, 27 inches, 18 pounds 3.9 ounces
- Like her big sister, had GERD (GastroEsophogeal Reflux Disease, aka Reflux)
- Had poor weight gain
- Was on Prevacid until March, then on Nexium
- Nexium is awesome!
- She went from soaking several burp cloths and bibs daily to just a few to rarely spitting up
- Gained 4 pounds in about 6 weeks after starting Nexium
- Now is reflux-free!
- Crawls, officially as of last night!
- Stands, almost by herself
- Walks some when you hold her hands