Hard to believe that a year has gone since Kaitlyn entered our world. She has grown and changed so much during that time. Here's her first year in pictures....
2 weeks |
2 months |
1 month |
3 months |
4 months |
My baby girl is not so much a baby anymore, she's officially moved on to being a toddler. She can feed herself most foods, knows a few signs, says a dozen or so words (some parental translation needed), and is officially a walker for the last two weeks. She loves to laugh and smile, adores her family, is full of energy, and a joy to be around. (I'm not at all biased, of course!) As of a month ago, she's no longer nursing, and as of this week has moved to whole milk. Her eyes are showing hints of brown, but are still mostly dark gray. She's gone from being a skinny baby to being our "chunky monkey", weighing in around 23 pounds, if the home scale is right. She has four teeth and loves to feel around for more--fair warning: don't try to feel them, she'll bite! She seems to love baby dolls already and enjoys reading. She's started helping cleaning up at the end of play-time now. Amazing that one year ago, she was a helpless baby fully dependent on our care and now look at her!