First, here's Hannah and Kaitlyn with Santa....
Baby #3....
Finally had another ultrasound Tuesday afternoon, and the baby is a GIRL! Two weeks ago, at a monthly checkup, the doctor declared the baby a boy because the baby wouldn't cooperate with the doplar for the heartbeat check, so much for that theory.
Jacqui - I thought for sure it was going to be a boy as my hormones seem to be stronger this time, as is my gag reflex. (Health-wise - Finally over a head cold which caused almost a month of extra tiredness. Have lost weight since we found out, and haven't gained yet but the doctors don't seem concerned.)
Josh - Was hoping for another girl because I know how to handle little girls now, but was shocked because I thought Jacqui somehow knew we were having a boy.
Hannah - Had a wanted a baby brother but is excited about the prospect of having 2 sisters.
Kaitlyn - Seems to understand there's a baby in Mommy's belly, but not sure she really understands what that means.
Baby Girl #3 - No names picked out officially yet. Right on track for all her measurements and weight (15oz). No adjustments to her predicted arrival date of 4/12. Everything looked healthy according to the ultrasound. Will have a fetal echo, a specialty ultrasound, on Tuesday to confirm that her aorta is in the correct position, whereas Hannah's makes a horseshoe and caused an aortic ring which was the reason behind her surgery at 4 months.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thursday, November 8, 2012
And Then There Were Five...
We bought tiny pumpkins for each family member, and we each painted one...
Here's a collage of the kids with their pumpkins....
Pictures from our adventures these last few months...
Waiting for Mommy to checkout at WM |
Ready for Trick or Treating |
At Audobon Aquarium in New Orleans |
Our dancing queens |
Fun at the Steckel's Wedding |
Yummy Whataburger! |
After Lunch at "The Naz" |
Riding a Polar Bear at the Columbus Zoo |
"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
More About Our Adventures...
July was a busy month as we became first-time home buyers! Woohoo! In nervous excitement, on July 17th we signed the closing paperwork. The next day we loaded up our belongings from our apartment with the help of neighbors and coworkers, and moved in. A few days later we took a road trip to Kentucky to pick up the rest of our belongings from storage, where most of our furniture and things had been for two years. Upon our return, we unloaded with the help of friends and began the process of settling in. With the help of my mom, my friends Heather and Bonnie, and extra energy (I'm guessing early pregnancy hormones), I had the whole house unpacked before the end of August. Yes, I have a few boxes that need unpacked into permanent homes but we need cabinets or wardrobes first. We have had three open houses and lots of gatherings, we love having people over. So if you are in the neighborhood, feel free to drop by! More about the house in the next blog.
September was a blurr of activity starting with Opening Weekend at MVNU. Labor Day weekend is when all the students descend upon the MVNU campus for the start of the new school year. Thus Josh is needed most of the weekend to provide technical support and training, so the girls and I took off on a road trip. Our first stop was in Louisville, where we spent several days with family. Then we headed to Tuscaloosa, where we spent some time with my Aunt Carol Sue. Then we headed down to New Orleans, meeting up with most of Josh's extended family for a wedding, and squeezing in a trip to the Acquarium and French Market and a short visit with "Mommy's very tall friend", aka St. Nick.
October was filled with trying to settle into a routine and enjoying the autumn leaves. We finally made it to a "First Friday", Mount Vernon's monthly downtown family event that runs Apr-Oct every year. We even made it down to Circleville's Pumpkin Festival, which has been going on for over a hundred years. Just before Halloween, Josh came down with a nasty head cold which he lovingly shared with me. Luckily, Halloween night we felt up to going out and I manned our "trunk or treat" booth while Josh took the girls around.
More about the family...
There's been many changes since he took over as manager, so he is still trying to find a balance at work. Several of his student techs graduated this past spring, and this fall, there are at least half a dozen freshman techs, so the overall level of knowledge of the team has dropped leading to a greater workload for Josh and his full-time staff. Next year should go more smoothly as the techs will have a greater knowledge base. Until then, the team is experiencing a lot of bumpy roads. There's also a constortium between several of the Nazarene schools, and Josh has been appointed as the leader of the technology help desk portion, so that too has added to his workload. Recently, there was a reduction in staff in the IT department and a reorganization, so that too has added to both the workload for the team and stress. Please be in prayer for him as he tries to settle into a balanced work life.Outside work, he is leading a small group study on "How to Study the Bible". We're co-facilitiating a group on the "Growing Kids God's Way" materials.
She is growing in knowledge and is eager learn. I've been trying to get into a routine with homeschooling, and some days go great and others are ok. She has really been enjoying her classes at church, and is especially excited about attending her Sunday morning class. She loves to serve, especially when it comes to do things for little ones, like her sister. Physically, she is still skinnier than the majority of 4 year olds, but height-wise she is average. As of today, she has reached 40 inches, and the last doctor's office weigh-in she was about 31.5.Kaitlyn
This little girl's vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. She is literally like a parrot, repeating whatever she hears, and she does great at pronouncing almost everything. She can count to 10, and knows almost all her ABCs. She amazes me every day with how much her knowledge is expanding right now, she really is a little sponge. She is quite the character and enjoys showing off her dancing and hopping and jumping skills. Physically, she is chunkier than most 2 year olds, and height-wise is above average. At the last doctor's weigh-in she was a pound heavier than Hannah at 32.5 pounds. She won't stand still for us to get a height but she's at least 4 inches shorter than Hannah.Baby #3
The baby is due April 12, 2013. Our next ultrasound is December 4th at OSU, and that is when we'll learn the gender. Hannah originally predicted twins, but now says the baby's a boy, and the last request was to name him "Abram". Kaitlyn is only somewhat sure there really is a baby in Mommy's belly. Daddy's not sure he wants a boy, so is currently leaning towards wanting another girl. Mommy doesn't care, so long as we have a healthy baby.Mommy
Besides being exhausted by 4 most days, I'm doing pretty well. I had more morning sickness this pregnancy than prior ones, and I feel more tired and more grumpy. Perhaps, I'm just more perceptive to my emotions this time, or perhaps I have post-pregnancy amnesia regarding the first two, but I feel like I have been way more prone to outbursts of emotions. So on that note, please pray for Josh that he can survive my bouts of insanity and for the girls that they will be understanding and forgiving of Mommy's temporary insanity. Although I conquered my goal of unpacking, I have yet to conquer my goal of creating and mainting a daily routine. I think that my tiredness has really reaked havock on my plans, as I'm having a hard time simply maintaining even the laundry, and I feel like I'm in a constant state of catchup. This too shall pass, right? I'm looking forward to the days when my energy returns and I can find my daily rhythm, then I'll be able to start doing projects, like family history.Next post... Our new house!
Sunday, June 24, 2012
New Chapters...
First, pictures of the girls, because, let's face it, that's what you really want... : ) Since it's been half a year since my last update, there's more pictures and text than typical...

Hannah is excited about learning and often asks to do learning activities. She really wants to learn to read, and so we've been working on the sounds of the letters. We have used the BOB Books, but the library didn't have them available during our most recent visit. Her vocabulary has expanded into long sentences, and she enjoys making up songs and stories. She especially loves singing and we'll catch her singing at bedtime, in the bathtub, as she walking... She has really enjoyed getting to know her cousin, Ayla, better and the two have become "peas in a pod" this spring.
Kaitlyn's vocabulary, both spoken and signed, are growing daily. This is such a fun age to watch as she learns to communicate and to physically be able to do more. She has definitely hit the stage where she wants to be independent. Diaper changes and getting dressed are often a struggle as she's wanting to do it herself or be somewhere else. I think potty training will soon be on our list, but first the move (more on that later). She's our dancer, any time there's music, you'll usually find her dancing. She even makes up her own songs to dance to, or sometimes twirls to music in her head.
Both girls enjoy spending time with our neighbors. We're still in the temporary quarters on the edge of campus, so our only close neighbors are in the building. Most of them are in the pictures above, there's two more that are a bit older and home-schooled so they missed out on the photo ops, but I'm sure they'll be in some this summer. Across the hall is Anneliese (2), Ashlynn (6), and Aidan (8), and downstairs is Brodie (6), Chase (3), and Seth (20 months). All the kids love playing together every chance that we'll let them. Of course, we moms enjoy spending time together too, especially when the kids are running around outside and we can hear each other!
After almost a decade of working with or for Focus on the Family, I'm moving on to being a full-time homemaker. My work with FOF has slowed down since Kaitlyn was born, in part because it took at least 6 months for me to adjust to life as a mom of two and in part because they no longer need my services. Also, as a family we have transitioned from me being the primary bread-winner to Josh, thanks to his work at MVNU.
So what am I doing with "all that free time"? Well, once I got adjusted to life with two children, I did do more work for a little while but then became consumed with packing and sorting for our move to Ohio. Once here, I did some more work for a few months, then it was the holidays (and a 3-week road trip for the girls and I), then we started house-hunting (more on that in a minute). Soon we'll be moving into permanent housing and I once again will be consumed with sorting and packing, then unpacking and organizing. Once everything settles down, I have plans for how to use the time...
First, I want to make a more formal attempt at homeschooling. Next year is pre-K for Hannah, so I figured I could give it at least next year and Kindergarten to see how it works for our family as Kindergarten is not mandatory. I've tried to have somewhat of a routine for the girls that includes learning, but have found it hard to maintain due to stress and just the feeling of not being settled.
I'm also very excited to put my green-thumb to more use. I've had houseplants for years, one since 3rd grade!, but I'm ready to have a real garden and a vegetable garden. This is something I think the whole family will enjoy together as Josh enjoyed gardening at his parents.
Other projects include compiling a family history. I started a bit of the family trees on the "My Heritage" website, but I want to expand it to include more than names and dates. This will be a big project and will require lots of research, but, as many of you know, I love research and this will keep my mental gears going. My end goal is to be able to produce a booklet of family history for each branch and be able to share it with all the family. I have always longed to know more, and was inspired by my former boss, Moni Guyer, who took on such a project several years ago.
I also want to delve back into things that inspire my creative side, like cooking, baking, music, sewing, crocheting, and art. My creative side has been put on the back-burner for several years and it's itching to come out and I'm excited to expand my knowledge.
A lot has happened since the last blog with Josh's work. In late fall, he was given a raise as his boss and the "higher-ups" were impressed with all that he had accomplished since joining the team. Then the entire campus was given a raise for this calendar year. In February, his boss accepted a position in Cincinnati, and management opted not to fill his position. Instead they promoted Josh to a new position, beginning a new chapter is his life as for the first time he is now officially a member of the management team. Earlier this month, he hired two new employees to help spread out the work. Summer is the busiest time for IT, because they pour themselves into projects that can be more easily done while students are off-campus. So, his stress levels and number of work hours spiked in February and have come down a bit, but are still high. I am hopeful that as the two new employees come up to speed, the stress and number of extra hours will ease. Besides his work here at MVNU, he is still teaching online courses for the community college system in KY, usually one or two per term.
Besides work, Josh has started a new small group through our church called "How to Study the Bible". Between holidays and sickness, there's only been half a dozen sessions, but everyone that has come raves about the sessions and what they are learning.
House-hunting consumed us from mid-January through last month. We made offers on three houses between January and March. Then on April 11th, we walked through a house and put in our first offer. Several amendments and another version later, we had a finalized contract signed by all parties on May 8th. We are now waiting on the final approval from Rural Development who is sponsoring our loan, the underwriter has already approved, so it's most-likely just a formality. Rural Development is in a back-log of 3-4 weeks, and our paperwork could only go to them once the underwriter approved, so our paperwork was not submitted until June 11th. As of Thursday, they were working on paperwork submitted May 25. So it looks like we may have a closing date of mid-July. Hopefully the next update will be all about our new house.
Kaitlyn loves Barnyard Dance by Sandra Boynton |
Hannah enjoying quoting Barnyard Dance |
Kaitlyn and Great-Grandpa Dick |
Buddies... Hannah, Brodie (neighbor), Ayla (2nd cousin), Chase (Neighbor) |
The birthday girl is excited to get a card... It was her first real birthday, since she's a Leap Day baby |
Trying on her sister's Easter hat |
Easter fun with Hippo |
Fun at the playground |
Fun with Seth (neighbor) |
These dresses (above and below) were made by Aunt Peggy |
Spring fun with Ayla |
Fun at the Chesnuts
Fun with cousins, Ayla and Sophie |
Deep conversations with Seth (neighbor) |
Friends and cousins! |
Fun with Great-Grandma June and Anneliese (neighbor) |
The Girls
Hannah is now 4 and Kaitlyn is almost 22 months. At their last checkup, Hannah was 1 pound heavier than Kaitlyn! I think there's 5 or 6 inches in height difference between them, but at some point I think Kaitlyn will pass Hannah in height.
Hannah is excited about learning and often asks to do learning activities. She really wants to learn to read, and so we've been working on the sounds of the letters. We have used the BOB Books, but the library didn't have them available during our most recent visit. Her vocabulary has expanded into long sentences, and she enjoys making up songs and stories. She especially loves singing and we'll catch her singing at bedtime, in the bathtub, as she walking... She has really enjoyed getting to know her cousin, Ayla, better and the two have become "peas in a pod" this spring.
Kaitlyn's vocabulary, both spoken and signed, are growing daily. This is such a fun age to watch as she learns to communicate and to physically be able to do more. She has definitely hit the stage where she wants to be independent. Diaper changes and getting dressed are often a struggle as she's wanting to do it herself or be somewhere else. I think potty training will soon be on our list, but first the move (more on that later). She's our dancer, any time there's music, you'll usually find her dancing. She even makes up her own songs to dance to, or sometimes twirls to music in her head.
Both girls enjoy spending time with our neighbors. We're still in the temporary quarters on the edge of campus, so our only close neighbors are in the building. Most of them are in the pictures above, there's two more that are a bit older and home-schooled so they missed out on the photo ops, but I'm sure they'll be in some this summer. Across the hall is Anneliese (2), Ashlynn (6), and Aidan (8), and downstairs is Brodie (6), Chase (3), and Seth (20 months). All the kids love playing together every chance that we'll let them. Of course, we moms enjoy spending time together too, especially when the kids are running around outside and we can hear each other!
A New Chapter for Me
After almost a decade of working with or for Focus on the Family, I'm moving on to being a full-time homemaker. My work with FOF has slowed down since Kaitlyn was born, in part because it took at least 6 months for me to adjust to life as a mom of two and in part because they no longer need my services. Also, as a family we have transitioned from me being the primary bread-winner to Josh, thanks to his work at MVNU.
So what am I doing with "all that free time"? Well, once I got adjusted to life with two children, I did do more work for a little while but then became consumed with packing and sorting for our move to Ohio. Once here, I did some more work for a few months, then it was the holidays (and a 3-week road trip for the girls and I), then we started house-hunting (more on that in a minute). Soon we'll be moving into permanent housing and I once again will be consumed with sorting and packing, then unpacking and organizing. Once everything settles down, I have plans for how to use the time...
First, I want to make a more formal attempt at homeschooling. Next year is pre-K for Hannah, so I figured I could give it at least next year and Kindergarten to see how it works for our family as Kindergarten is not mandatory. I've tried to have somewhat of a routine for the girls that includes learning, but have found it hard to maintain due to stress and just the feeling of not being settled.
I'm also very excited to put my green-thumb to more use. I've had houseplants for years, one since 3rd grade!, but I'm ready to have a real garden and a vegetable garden. This is something I think the whole family will enjoy together as Josh enjoyed gardening at his parents.
Other projects include compiling a family history. I started a bit of the family trees on the "My Heritage" website, but I want to expand it to include more than names and dates. This will be a big project and will require lots of research, but, as many of you know, I love research and this will keep my mental gears going. My end goal is to be able to produce a booklet of family history for each branch and be able to share it with all the family. I have always longed to know more, and was inspired by my former boss, Moni Guyer, who took on such a project several years ago.
I also want to delve back into things that inspire my creative side, like cooking, baking, music, sewing, crocheting, and art. My creative side has been put on the back-burner for several years and it's itching to come out and I'm excited to expand my knowledge.
A New Chapter for Josh
A lot has happened since the last blog with Josh's work. In late fall, he was given a raise as his boss and the "higher-ups" were impressed with all that he had accomplished since joining the team. Then the entire campus was given a raise for this calendar year. In February, his boss accepted a position in Cincinnati, and management opted not to fill his position. Instead they promoted Josh to a new position, beginning a new chapter is his life as for the first time he is now officially a member of the management team. Earlier this month, he hired two new employees to help spread out the work. Summer is the busiest time for IT, because they pour themselves into projects that can be more easily done while students are off-campus. So, his stress levels and number of work hours spiked in February and have come down a bit, but are still high. I am hopeful that as the two new employees come up to speed, the stress and number of extra hours will ease. Besides his work here at MVNU, he is still teaching online courses for the community college system in KY, usually one or two per term.
Besides work, Josh has started a new small group through our church called "How to Study the Bible". Between holidays and sickness, there's only been half a dozen sessions, but everyone that has come raves about the sessions and what they are learning.
House-hunting consumed us from mid-January through last month. We made offers on three houses between January and March. Then on April 11th, we walked through a house and put in our first offer. Several amendments and another version later, we had a finalized contract signed by all parties on May 8th. We are now waiting on the final approval from Rural Development who is sponsoring our loan, the underwriter has already approved, so it's most-likely just a formality. Rural Development is in a back-log of 3-4 weeks, and our paperwork could only go to them once the underwriter approved, so our paperwork was not submitted until June 11th. As of Thursday, they were working on paperwork submitted May 25. So it looks like we may have a closing date of mid-July. Hopefully the next update will be all about our new house.
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