Our little cowgirl...
At Saunder's Springs...
This summer has been another busy season for our little family. We've hosted a Harry Potter marathon and two pool parties, traveled to Steve's graduation celebrations in Denton, Texas, visited parents and siblings in Louisville, Radcliff, and Somerset, KY multiple times, visited grandparents and extended family in Ohio, attended the end of Summer Bummer party at church, went to several drive-in movies, cruised the Hwy 127 sales, plus much more!
Meanwhile Hannah has had a growth spurt so after almost a year and a half of facing the rear of the car, we were able to turn her carseat around to face the front as she finally reached that elusive 20 pound mark. She's also recently added walking on her own to her skills, and spends most of her days walking circles around the room(s). Her vocabulary is exploding too, both spoken and signed. She now says "gall" for ball, "gah-er" for water", "at" for cat, "et" for eat", "all done", "all gone", "baby", "mommy", "daddy", "Josh", "hi", "bye, bye", "oh", "oww", "Mimi". She can sign ball, please, bird, drink, water, mommy, daddy, baby, eat, thank you, flower, all done, wash (hands), fish, dog. She makes the animal sounds of "meow", "woof", "quack".
More info to come!
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