Now to the things that make me laugh, and hopefully you too. So the other day, I asked Hannah to go put something in her kitchen, she then looked at me and signed "chicken"! Hahaha! So we've had fun trying to explain the difference between kitchen and chicken to our 22 month old, but the use of signs has greatly helped. Hannah loves to pray. We're not sure she understands the purpose of prayer, but we're still happy that she enjoys the times. So I was offering Hannah foods for her supper, and asked her if she wanted a pear, and she immediately signed to pray. Hahaha! I love her sweet heart. She is learning so many signs that sometimes we have to think hard about what she's trying to tell us! She's also expanding her vocabulary, and her favorite words are "momma", "dada", "mimi", and "pawpaw". One of her new words is "WiWi", wasn't sure how to spell it because it's not what you're thinking. "WiWi" is her version of movie. So if you're at our house and you hear "WiWi", she is not wanting a trip to the bathroom but rather a trip to the TV.
Some of you have asked how Hannah is reacting to the news about baby #2. Well, we're not sure she quite gets it. I read that for kids her age, they probably won't get it until the baby comes home from the hospital. Regardless, we've explained that Mommy has a baby in her belly. When we ask Hannah where Mommy's baby is, she first points to Mommy's belly, then she points to Daddy's and hers. Needless to say, we're still working with her on understanding. Maybe she'll understand better when we hear the baby's heartbeat tomorrow, or maybe when the baby starts kicking and moving. We shall see.
We successfully de-plugged Hannah after the holidays. The plug is our term for a pacifier. I figured we should just call it what it is rather than a binkie or pacie or what not. I thought there'd be more of a struggle, even though we limited her plug to naptimes and bedtimes. Basically, she went cold-turkey and did great. She didn't even as for it! Next on our list of to-do's is potty-training. We think she may be ready, she's at least interested and can follow directions so since we're not going anywhere this weekend, we'll be potty-training. The adventure begins!
Oh and one last note. We, at least Hannah and I, are coming to Colorado, really. This is the same six-week trip we thought would happen early last year. There's not a firm date yet, but the estimate is mid-March. Once the estimate has been firmed up, we'll let you know. The six-week trip is basically phase three of a project, and we're in phase one, so I'm more confident this time that we'll actually be coming this year. Hahaha! Now for pictures...
"What?!?!" - It's a game we play. We say "What?!?!" for no reason but to make ourselves giddy.


My chipmunk: She has a grape tucked in each cheek...

Not sure what she was thinking here, but if it were me, I'd be thinking "Whatch' you talkin' about Willis?"

Pray!!!! I know it might be considered sacrilegious but she's so cute when she prays!

Too cool! She's had a feddish about hats lately. This one is courtesy of Aunt Kristi. She also likes putting them on backwards, see the second picture for the front of this hat.
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